Walking on the wild side

If I was in Singapore I would be facing a prison sentence for doing what I am doing now. (Explanation). The hotel has free wifi for its guests and the receptionist gave me the codes but I chose the wrong (?) wireless and the neighbors let me in.  Many swedes leave their wifi networks open and I must say that I have a hard time figuring why this should be wrong. Additionally I also have a hard time figuring out why people in cities who have open networks
should be annoyed that others surf on their infrastructure.

If you don’t want to let others surf the close the network. But unless you experience serious lag due to all you neighbors surfing via your net then why bother?

Actually allowing neighbors to surf your wifi may be in violation of the service agreement between you and your broadband provider. But lets not go there. Just let me mangle Blanche’s line in Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire”: I must say I am grateful for the kindness of strangers.*

* Real line should be: “Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” but somehow this does not really apply to wifi…

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