On being nervous

Lecturing is a lot about relaxing and having fun. Yes, standing in front of a group of people and talking can be fun. The problem? You have to manage to relax. This is normally not a problem but today is a bit different. The problem today is that I am going to meet a group I have never met before. They have strange customs and traditions. They carry uniforms and have outlandish titles which just confuse me.

As part of the military project I have to (obviously) present my work to the military. I have never done military service so it all seems very outlandish to me. The uniforms, the pride in penalism, the weapons fetish, the hierarchical chains of command and the worship of traditions. I mean, can you say “Yo” to a Major? or “Dude” to a Colonel? And what is it with all the coloured ribbons on the chest? Its like the boy scout merit badges…

Actually since I went to a strict catholic boys school I can probably relate to most of these things (except without the weapons). So now I am trying to put myself in a frame of mind to be able to relax. Itâ??s a bit like ordering people to have fun or to be spontaneous â?? the more you try the less it worksâ?¦

Ah, well whatâ??s the worst thing they can do? Men with lethal machinery, I meanâ?¦

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