This is not a moan about information overload (or frazzing) but it is scary how many email messages, blog posts, voicemail, facebook messages (etc, etc & etc) are created each day. Usually reading and reacting to messages as and when they appear is an excellent tactic. But going offline for extended periods means that the pile of (what? data, information, communication, interaction, knowledge or just plain crap) is almost overwhelming.
Today was spent traveling and doing hamster work (running round the wheel without getting anywhere). Replying to email, voice messages and tonight, the main event, scanning through my favorite blogs. Too many posts. So much stuff I want to comment on. The problem is when the pile of work has grown this much my main impulse is to ignore it.
But then again there is a masochistic desire to push through the pile of work and get to the other side… Or at least to blog