Slippery Slope to Spandex

Never thought of myself as a spandex kind of guy. Spandex is the extremely stretchy kind of material worn by athletes and the attractive crowd at the gym. Me I always seemed to be happier in baggy heavy cotton. Then in January I began to run. The more I ran the better I became. Running is not really fun and requires effort and encouragement. So I slowly began encouraging myself.

It began with a slightly more attractive t-shirt. Something to cheer me up and encourage me to run more often. Then I made sure that my iPod contained more lectures and podcasts than music. Running to history is the best distraction I can imagine. Nothing stops boredom like an lecture on the Roman invasion of Britain.

Slowly I bought another t-shirt, a “proper” runners t-shirt, and another and another. But still no spandex. That was still in a different league. But the more I ran the more I liked to run and the more encouragement I enjoyed.

Today I crossed a major barrier I ran in spandex – or whatever its called – and it was really comfortable… This is the slippery slope. It begins with a t-shirt and before you know it you are in spandex…

Where will it all end?

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