
Today I saw a book in my colleagues office. The cool title was interesting enough to make me pick it up. Book is Peter Morvilleâ??s Ambient Findability which is a thoughtful approach to searching, finding and dealing with information (in particular information overload). It didnâ??t take long for me to convince myself that I needed to read this book.

Now me buying a book is not really the point of this post â?? even if book recommendations are worth posting. What I wanted to write about came out of the very cool subtitle to the book in question â?? â??What We Find Changes Who We Becomeâ??

Read that slowly again – â??What We Find Changes Who We Becomeâ??.

Very cool subtitle. Many non-fiction books include subtitles but few, in my opinion, (well it is my blog) actually seem to spend time on the subtitle but tend to be more explanatory. The model seems to be think of a snappy, catchy title then add subtitle so people will understand the title. Even though Morville follows this model I still think his subtitle is great. It has become my instant favourite.

Whatâ??s your favourite subtitle? Oh no â?? itâ??s a new memeâ?¦

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