Fair Use

The Center for Social Media has produced interesting material on Fair Use:

Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use

Peter Jaszi – â??Yes, You Can!â?? â??Where You Donâ??t Even Need â??Fair Useâ?? a guide offers to what falls into the category of free use.

Peter Jaszi – Fair Use: An Essential Feature of Copyright hearing testimony by explains the legal significance of the doctrine of fair use, for creators, consumers and commerce.

Peter Hirtle – How to Find Out What is in the Public Domain explains when copyrighted material falls into the public domain.

Pat Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi – Untold Stories: Creative Consequences of the Rights Clearance Culture for Documentary Filmmakers – 2004 study shows how rights clearance problems hobbled creativity in documentary filmmaking.

Or watch the 7 minute video summarizing the results of the study Stories Untold: (43 Mb, streaming)