Exam, or not?

Teaching has been my main occupation since 1998. It has become part of who I am. Even though I most often consider myself a researcher I am a teacher. You might think that after all these years that I would know what teaching is all about? Well yes, and no. The questions a teacher must set him/herself are seemingly endless.

First is the choice of literature? Did last year’s students get “it”? or where they confused/bored/annoyed with the literature? Asking this question does not entail that the literature must be changed if the students dislike it – it’s more that the literature should be questioned and put into context on a regular basis.

The next stage is the teaching. Is it to be lectures, group work, seminars or problem based learning – or maybe a mix of the above. The final stage is the examination. Home exam, essay, examination at the university, oral or written? The list is endless. In grading should one be harsh or fair. Is there any importance in letting the students sweat and learn? Is this importance really necessary? and how far is it from penalism?

Tough choices. My next class is to do a sit-down written examination. The class was also subjected to the preparing and presenting material. The question is what is it that we are supposed to be doing to the minds of our students while they are under our influence? Does the written aid leaning? Can anything actually aid the learning experience or is it all up to the student?

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