What are you reading this summer?

Summer is the time of relaxing but its also a time of stress – its the time when all those things that you have put of until summer must be fulfilled. One of these todo lists is the summer reading list. Here is what the summer has carried with it in terms of interesting literature:

Dave Taylor’s “Learning Unix” – yupp, as I have already written…it’s time to learn unix. I have been meaning to read Hannah Arendt so now her books “Totalitarianism” and “On Revolution” are part of the holiday. The technology section includes Adam Greenfield’s new book “Everyware“, Lasica’s “Darknet“, Langdon Winner’s “The Whale and the Reactor” (which I have meaning to reread) and Joseph Gies “Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel“. In addition to this I have a copy of the PhD dissertation “Being-with Information Technology” by Anna Croon Fors.

So what is everyone else reading?

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